This a 1980's shoujo anime based off a manga that was written by Mann Izawa and Yumiko Igarashi, who are best known for their writing and illustrative work on the 1970's shoujo anime called Candy Candy. The manga was given an anime adaptation by Tokyo Movie Shinsha (TMS Entertainment) and spanned 45 episodes. For unknown reasons, it reuses some soundtracks from Ashita no Joe 2, another anime also made by TMS.
The series was broadcast on TV Asahi from April 9, 1983 until February 25, 1984.
The story starts in Australia and the main character is a girl by the name of Georgie Buttman, a member of the Buttman family who lives in a farm in Australia.
On February 13, 2022 I released Episode 7 of Lady Georgie. The last 6 Episodes were subbed by another group however it has not been continued in years therefore I decided to continue it. This is a shoujo anime by TMS. Due to TMS being infamous for having tough copyright restrictions, I will not be uploading any Episode to YouTube, I will instead be uploading it on the Internet Archive.
The anime was dubbed and aired in several parts of the world including Japan, the Philippines, Brazil, Spain, Latin America, China, Taiwan and the Arab World.